We want to co-create a learning journey on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion with YOU!

What is EDI?

We like to use the short form EDI for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.

We are convinced about the importance of EDI and about the disrupitve power of EDI!

That's why we want to make time to learn more about EDI in our personal lives, workplaces, businesses.

How about you?



We want to create a cohort-based learning experience, where we learn from each other, peer-to-peer.

We want to co-create the content and the learning path for a 12 hours course.

We want to make time to reflect, learn, progress.

If we all know more about strategies how to be inclusive, valuable facts and figures about equity, best practices how to be, think and act diverse, we be able to make the change we want to see.

Join us on our co-learning journey to EDI!

Our credo: We are all EXPERTS and PEERS at the same time! We have so much to share in so many areas.

In 2022, we want to put a special focus on EDI.

EXPEERTs.club and Jamba Bulgaria will partner to bring together international women who want to learn more about EDI.

We will learn from each other and co-create the learning path for a cohort-based 12-hour online course that will be available for free download in autumn 2022.

To kick off the process, we will organise 3 events to discuss and gather solutions, inputs, best practices and content for our so-called "Meeting Manuals" for this online course.

We will then build teams of 5 women each to embark on this learning journey together.

We want to match diverse teams to learn from each other at eye level, from what we have achieved so far and also from women who are not yet part of it, who do not yet belong, who are treated unfairly and who have to live in an undiverse, unfair work environment.

How does this work?

Attend an event

We will host 3 free events to kick off our program:

21 June 2022 in Vienna
23 June 2022 in Sofia
9 August 2022 online

Sign up for more information

Sign up here for more information and to get the invitations / details:


Join a co-learning team

Become a member of one of our teams of 5 international women who will experience this co-learning journey together, starting in autumn 2022.

Invest your time, get a feeling of belonging in return

As we progress together we build radical connectedness, share knowledge, be our accountability partners, celebrate success and failure.

Experience care and connectedness and openess

In our co-learning teams we take care of each other, follow our own speed

We are vulnerable and supportive.

Measure your transformation

During this 12 hour course over 3 month of co-learning we will progress together and measure our success, transformation and impact


The mission of JAMBA is in the first place to support HEROES in their attainment of key skills and competencies in different professional fields through trainings and internships.

The entire experience and work in this field have showed the founders Joana Koleva and Iva Tsolova how exceptional the people with diverse abilities (that’s how the founders Joana Koleva and Iva Tsivola call the people with disabilities), how much potential they have and that the biggest challenges to their integration are the equal opportunity access to quality education, adapted professional training and inclusion in the job market, which are essential for every person.

As a next step this bulgarian organization helps with their inclusion in the job market and even in their career advancement.


We are a community of impactful women worldwide who’s common purpose is #fiftyfiftyfastforward. Our expertise will be more visible structurally, in our brilliant mindsets and in our bank accounts.

That’s why we build small teams of 5 international women who meet on a regular basis online. We set our bold objectives, work focused towards our visions of a fair world, hold each other accountable and learn from each other. As EXPEERTS we do apply a peer-coaching method and progress together with the support of our co-created meeting manuals on special topics.

Most of all we build up radical connectedness, love and trust among women worldwide.

#SDG5 #fiftyfiftyfastforward

Join today and gain access to a community of international women who want to learn more about EDI!

Team behind this joint program

Joana Koleva

co-founder jamba

Tealee A. Brown

community manager

Cloed Baumgartner

founder expeerts club

Funded by the European Union

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.